Instructors: Professional Pilots & Instructors

Enhancing Simulator Training with Seasoned Instructors

One of the biggest hurdles to simulator use in primary flight instruction is the disconnect between the value simulation time offers the trainee and the lack of value simulation time offers the instructor. Typical instructors would rather be building their own hours by instructing in an aircraft, which is understandable.

Simuvation instructors are have either 5 years experience as CFI’s or professional pilots who are also Certified Flight Instructors. In order to keep up with the demand of pilot training young flight instructors are required to train new pilots, however, that structure doesn’t make for the best environment when training in AATD’s.

There are professional pilots all over the world with flexible schedules who can contribute to the pilot training community by delivering remote instruction in AATD’s, Simuvation has built the infrastructure to leverage those phenomenal untapped assets!

More Details

Simuvation addresses a common challenge in primary flight instruction by providing experienced instructors who understand the value of training. Our instructors have a minimum of 5 years of experience as CFIs or professional pilots, ensuring high-quality instruction. Additionally, we leverage the expertise of professional pilots worldwide with flexible schedules to deliver remote AATD instruction, maximizing training opportunities.

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